访客停车区Visitor Parking
员工停车区Employee Parking
货车停车区Truck Parking
卸货区Loading Zone
保安前台Security Counter
安防、消防值班室Security, Fire Duty Room
监控中心Command Center
IT机房Data Hall
会议室Meeting Room / Conference Room
消磁间Degaussing Room
保洁间Cleaning Room
备件库房Spare-Part Store Room
库房Store Room
货品暂存间(拆包区)Staging Room
变压器房Transformer Room
高压配电间HV Electrical Room
低压配电间LV Electrical Room
柴发动机房Generator Room
电池室Battery Room
冷机房Chiller Room
空调间CRAC Room
空调管道间Air conditioning Pipe Room
电信间Telco Room
电信接入间Telecom Access Room
强电井Electrical Riser (强电再分高压(HV=High Voltage)和低压(LV = Low Voltage)
弱电井ELV Riser (ELV = Extra Low Voltage)
强电槽Electrical Cable Trunking (强电再分高压(HV=High Voltage)和低压(LV = Low Voltage)
弱电槽ELV Cable Trunking (ELV = Extra Low Voltage 很多数据中心会把BMS、CCTV、网络光纤等单独线槽并单独称呼)
水管井Water Pipe Riser
冷冻水管Chilled Water Pipe
冷却水管Condensing Water Pipe
货梯Freight elevator
客梯Passenger elevator
紧急疏散出口Evacuation Exit
消防出口Fire Exit
消防楼梯Fire Staircase
消防栓Fire Hydrant
消防气瓶室Fire Cylinder Room
预作用系统Pre-action system
洗手间Restroom (男女分别用Male, Female或者男女头像表示)
请出示证件 Please Show Your ID
在此登记 Please Register Here
背包寄存Bag Deposit
随手关门Keep door closed
佩戴证件Wear your badge
禁止拍照 No Photo
禁止饮食No Food or Drink
24H监控 24H Surveillance
非工作人员禁止入内Staff Only
未经授权,禁止入内No Entry, Authorized personnel only
受限区域,非授权人员禁止进入Restricted Area, Authorized personnel only
受限区域,闲人免进Restricted Area, Staff only
配电重地 闲人免进Electrical Room, Staff only
机房重地,非授权人员禁止进入Data Hall Area, Authorized personnel only
库房重地,非授权人员禁止进入Store room, Authorized personnel only
禁止烟筃o Smoke No Fire
禁止携带危险品No Carrying Dangerous Goods
易燃物品请勿入内No Flammable Liquids or Combustible materials allowed in this ear
消防门常闭Fire Exist Only, keep closed
消防疏散路线示意图 Fire Evacuation Plan
火警时,禁止乘坐电梯In Case of Fire, Do not Use Elevators
火警时,请用逃生楼梯In Case of Fire, Please Use Fire Evacuation Stairways
消防通道,请勿停车Fire lane, No parking
紧急通道,严禁堵塞Emergency Exit, Do not block
当心坠落Caution: Fall hazard
当心绊倒Caution: Trip hazard
当心碰头Caution: Mind your head
当心地滑Caution: Slippery surface
高压危险Warning: High Voltage
当心腐蚀Warning: Corrosion hazard
当心触电Warning: Electric shock hazard
当心高温表面Warning: Hot Surface
当心台阶Mind the steps
请勿触摸No Touching
禁止攀爬No Climbing
禁止合闸No Switching on
禁止踩踏No Stepping on surface
必须戴安全帽Safety helmet must be worn
必须佩戴降噪耳机Hearing protection must be worn
必须佩戴手套Protective gloves must be worn
必须佩戴防护眼镜Eye protection must be worn